0800 677 1999  Crown House, Home Gardens, Dartford DA1 1DZ

Lyondale achieves a retrospective change of use from single dwelling into HMO

A retrospective change of use into a HMO within Greenwich.

Lyondale has achieved a significant accomplishment within Greenwich, as we have secured planning approval for our latest project. Our proposal for a retrospective change of use from a single dwelling house (Use Class C3) into a four-bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) with a maximum capacity for up to four persons (Use Class C4) has been granted approval by the Greenwich Local Council. Whether you’re exploring the potential of your property or aiming to optimize its use, our expert team is here to make your vision a reality.

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Lyondale Town Planning and Architecture is a chartered architectural practice with RTPI chartered town planners. 

Lyondale are experts in planning law and policy and have over 25years extensive experience across a broad range of projects throughout London, the Home Counties.

Planning & Architecture

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