0800 677 1999  Crown House, Home Gardens, Dartford DA1 1DZ

Planning & Architecture Services in Mid Sussex District Council

Postcodes: RH16, RH17, RH18, RH19, RH10, RH11

Mid Sussex District Council History

The history of the Mid Sussex District Council is intricately tied to the development and growth of the Mid Sussex district in West Sussex, England. Historically, the area was served by various rural districts and local authorities, with each entity responsible for governance and the provision of local services tailored to the specific needs of their respective areas.

In 1974, the landscape of local governance underwent a significant transformation with the establishment of the modern Mid Sussex District Council. This transformation was brought about by the Local Government Act of 1972, which aimed to restructure local government in England by consolidating smaller councils into more extensive districts. Mid Sussex emerged as one of these districts, marking a pivotal moment in its administrative history. The Mid Sussex District Council shoulders the responsibility of delivering a comprehensive range of local services, including housing, planning, environmental services, and more. Its role is central in addressing the diverse needs of the district’s residents and businesses, reflecting the wide variety of communities and areas within its boundaries.

Mid Sussex is renowned for its diverse landscape, which includes picturesque countryside, vibrant market towns, and suburban areas. This diversity contributes to the district’s unique character and the sense of identity among its residents. While celebrating its rural charm and diverse landscape, the Mid Sussex District Council also focuses on overseeing the development and growth of the district. This includes initiatives aimed at promoting the well-being and prosperity of its residents and ensuring the sustainability of the area, while preserving the district’s unique character and heritage.

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Lyondale Town Planning and Architecture is a chartered architectural practice with RTPI chartered town planners. 

Lyondale are experts in planning law and policy and have over 25years extensive experience across a broad range of projects throughout London, the Home Counties.

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